Friday, October 14, 2011

October 13, 2011 Rehearsal Notes

Hey there! We had a great rehearsal last night! Whew!

When we all met together in the chapel we reviewed "I Saw Three Ships," and Barb finalized where all of the breathing points were in the song. So the phrasing looks like this during each verse: I saw three ships come sailing in (breath) on Christmas day (breath) on Christmas day (breath) I saw three ships come sailing in (breath) on Christmas day in the morning - emphasizing "morn" and not "ing". The only place where we don't breathe in the same spots is at measure 66 and we carry through from "on Christmas day" to "O, they sailed into Bethlehem."

Then we reviewed "The First Noel" and "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." We were able to get through "Homeland" which was very exciting for me. That song builds and builds until we all say Homeland! It gives such an amazing feeling every time we reach that point.

We went over "Betelehemu" and quickly ran through "Peace Like a River"

Just a reminder that we need ushers for the November 11 concert, so if anyone knows of a person who is available to do that, please let me know as soon as possible. Also, if you are available to drive for a carpool to our Rochester concert, let me know as well and where you would be leaving from so the people in your carpool can know where to go.

Last night we also found out that we will be doing the Mission Home Fireside on December 11 for sure. Call time is 6pm at the Bloomington building.

Also, I forgot to mention this week's birthday which was Sarah Johnson on the eleventh! So happy birthday, Sarah! Have a great week everyone!
