Sunday, April 17, 2011


SECTIONALS: "OKLAHOMA". Reviewed measures 105-165. We will need to memorize this one. "SING SING SING". Reviewed measures 1-27. Reminder to use tall vowels. SA--"BOOGIE WOOGIE BUGLE BOY". Worked on our timing using a metronome.

SATB: "OKLAHOMA". "SING SING SING". Worked on transitions. "SURE ON THIS SHINING NIGHT" measures 27-47. Reminded to use tall, round vowels. Measure 19 has a ritard. Reminder to inunciate consonants. Inunciating consonants and tall vowel sound was also a reminder for "EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW" and "THERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD". We also had a mini run through for the Easter Fireside on April 17. Order of songs: EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW, THERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD, GLORIA, HOSANNA. See you at the Fireside!!