Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fireside is STILL ON - Call time 6:00

Hey everybody!

Great job Friday night! Thanks for all of the enthusiasm and love that you showed during the concert. I'm counting our blessings that our concert wasn't last night....yikes...I hope you were all safe and cozy in your homes.

President Howell called and said the fireside is still on for tonight. Many 9 AM sacrament meetings got canceled but it was because the parking lots wouldn't be plowed by then. Pres. Howell said that the Bloomington Chapel parking lot would be first on the list and everything will be ready to go for tonight.

Please wear concert dress and be ready to begin at 6:00 PM. We're going to work on some hymns for prelude and quickly run through our pieces.

9700 Nesbitt Ave S
, MN 55437-1912

(952) 893-2393

Warmest regards,