Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oct 25, 2012 Rehearsal Notes

Hi everyone! Great rehearsal on Thursday! I know we all learned a lot.

First of all, I just want to reiterate the confirmed concert dates & times:

Thanksgiving concert: Nov. 9 ~ Call time: 5:30pm
Rosedale Center Concert: Nov. 10 ~ Call time: 3:45pm
Rochester Concert: Dec 1 ~ Call time: 4:45pm
Christmas concert: Dec 7 ~ Call time: 6:00pm
Fireside @ Mpls Stake Center: Dec 9 ~ Call time: 6:00pm (as far as we know)

I also wanted to remind everyone that I need about 6-7 ushers for the concert in two weeks, so if you have family members who are willing to do that for me, let me know so I can get them the info they need.

Okay, so for rehearsal notes: we only have 2 more rehearsals before our Thanksgiving concert. Eek! I think we all realize after Thursday's rehearsal that we need to super oober make sure we know our notes. We won't have time to do anymore sectionals during rehearsal, so it is super important to go over your part outside of rehearsal and make sure you know your part.

We stayed in SATB the entire evening on Thursday. The pieces we went through are: Johnny, Gloria, Cindy, Go Tell It on the Mountain, While Shepherds Watched Their flocks, and First Nowell. Please review these at home so we can come to rehearsal next week ready to conquer them :)


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oct. 11, 2012 Rehearsal Notes

Hello, everyone! You all did such a wonderful job on Friday at the fireside! It was such a wonderful event to be involved in. I loved hearing all of the different musicians. We have such amazing talents in the Church!

In Sectionals we worked on the following pieces:
Come, Come Ye Saints ~ Men, mm. 8-34 and Women, mm. 1-17. The women worked on making their sound unified and without vibrato. It is very difficult to sing this beginning without vibrato. Also, on the word Come, we need to make sure to close to the M immediately. I tried to have you all envision stalwartly marching closer and closer to your destination as one. It seemed to help as well when we made sure the rhythm was right on.
Sussex Carol ~ We ran through mm. 52-end making sure we knew the rhythm and then singing the notes. This section was similar to the beginning of the song, so the rhythm was easier to pick up. In measure 55 be sure to pronounce "the" as thee because the following word starts with a vowel. So it should be ''thee angels".
Go Tell It On The Mountain ~ We reviewed mm. 40-end. I had the women stand in a circle and imagine they were telling a story. Add some soul and have some fun!
For Unto Us ~ We reviewed mm. 26-72, making sure that each phrase has movement and as always, tall vowels :)
Finally we went through mm. 24-39 of Pilgrim Song. The sopranos will sing with the altos at measure 24 and then split off to their own part on measure 31 after the word "story."

In SATB we worked on:
Come, Come Ye Saints ~ We ran through the entire piece.
The Spirit of God ~ We ran through the entire piece. (We will be turning this piece in on Thursday)
Pilgrim Song ~ We went through the Forever section and Erin wants to make sure we get the entire phrase "I'm going to live forever" out so the audience will understand it.
Lastly, we sang through Cindy (memorized) was a little shaky, so be sure you have your parts memorized.

Thanks, and have a great week!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct. 4, 2012 Rehearsal Notes

Hi everyone! Sorry I slacked off this weekend...I'm using Conference as my excuse :)

In sectionals we worked on While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks, Letter I to the end. We need to make sure our phrasing flows in each section. We then refreshed our memories with Go Tell It On The Mountain. Be sure to practice the rhythms in this piece outside of rehearsal because they are a little tricky and it will be easier during rehearsal if you know your part. We then went over the runs in For Unto Us A Child is Born. Be sure to have good breath support and know where the notes are going in each run. You don't want to be surprised... Then we sang mm. 32-end of Pilgrim Song.  Be sure to have tall vowels. Finally we reviewed Cindy, mm. 1-50. This piece will be memorized, so you should all be working on this outside of rehearsal.

In SATB we sang through Come, Come Ye Saints, which is one of the pieces we will be performing this Friday at the fireside. ( We will also be performing The Spirit of God and A Child's Prayer). Be sure you know your parts for these three songs. Thanks! Have a great week!